E-Commerce Exchange merchant account offers real-time submission, authorization, capture, and settlement of credit card transactions without the need for separate transaction terminal or processing software. Their quick and easy account setup can take as little as 1 day. The Merchant Master POS software works just like a traditional credit card terminal, with a collection of additional features and capabilities. Electronic Check Service allows online and traditional merchants to accept and process electronic check payments, through either the Authorize.net terminal or from their own website. Ecommerce Exchange also offers a selection of terminals and printers for traditional merchant use. If you’re not sure what you need,their free E-Consultation can help answer any additional questions you have about their services. Contact Ecommerce Exchange directly, 1-800-477-5363, for information regarding rates, fees, and other costs.
Businesses: Internet; Phone/Mail/Fax; Retail
Approval Rate: High
Availability: International
Cost: N/A
Setup Fee: N/A
Discount Rate: 1.50%
Transaction Fee: $0.20
From E-commerce Exchange
Established in 1989, E-Commerce Exchange is a full service Business Merchant Account Provider (ECP) who offers complete business merchant account solutions for thousands of businesses.
E-commerce Exchange Additional Fees
- Contact Ecommerce Exchange directly for information regarding rates, fees, and other costs. Some rates and/or fees are subject to approval.
E-commerce Exchange Additional Features
- Very liberal in accepting high risk businesses.
- Funds transferred to your account within 24-48 hours.
- Emergency equipment replacement within 24 hours
- Authorize.net automatically accepts, authorizes and processes credit card orders directly from your web site, usually within 5 seconds.
- Authorize.net also handles recurring monthly payments from credit cards, SSL security, online reporting capabilities, and customizable order page.
- Free E-Consultation
E-commerce Exchange has been around since 1999, specializing in non-traditional merchant services for a number of industries, including: retail, Internet, home-based, phone order and mail order industries. Using the E-commerce Exchange service provides customers with the ability to accept all forms of non-cash payment. What started out as a small family business has grown into a nationwide business with hundreds of employees and partners in office locations nationwide. E-commerce Exchange even offers merchant services to international corporations that may have a hard time finding merchant account services in the US.
E-commerce Exchange products include Merchant Master Software, merchant equipment, HackerGuardian PCI scan compliancy, and SSL certificates. Some of the most popular merchant services offered by E-commerce Exchange include US merchant services, international merchant services, secure payment gateways, electronic checks, check services, debit card services, gift/loyalty card services, business cash advance, EBT, and payroll services. Businesses that are interested in using E-commerce Exchange products or services can use the free e-consultation service to get a no obligation recommendation for the best merchant account services for your business. Visit with a E-commerce Exchange representative to find out if they have the products and services that will provide you with the best merchant account solutions for your business.
National Card Payments
- No Set Up Fees
- No Minimum Monthly Fees
- Better pricing than Costco, PayPal, and Square!
Durango Merchant Services
- Fast Approval
- Bad Credit or High Risk Account Options
- Rates starting at 2%
- 24 Hour Approval
- Domestic and Offshore High Risk Accounts
- ACH, MOTO, Online Sales, POS…